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What do your customers think? Just ask!

How to get feedback in the right way

In this eye-opening podcast episode, Thirdside founder Ron Carson shares invaluable insights on the transformative power of candid customer conversations and how they can drive business growth across multiple fronts. As a marketing leader and entrepreneur, Ron offers a unique perspective that’s essential for founders, sales leaders, marketing executives, and anyone looking to truly understand their market.

Key takeaways from this insightful conversation include:

  • The “Just Ask” mentality: Ron emphasizes the game-changing impact of having honest, open conversations with customers throughout their journey. This simple yet powerful approach uncovers truths about your business that internal data often misses or misrepresents. By creating a safe space for feedback, companies can gain insights that drive real change in everything from product development to customer retention.

  • Beyond win-loss analysis: While win-loss insights are crucial, Ron expands on how customer conversations can inform every stage of the customer lifecycle. He discusses how these dialogues can enhance customer experience, prevent churn, and even shape product roadmaps. Real-world examples illustrate how companies have used customer feedback to pivot strategies and achieve breakthrough results.

  • Overcoming feedback fear: Ron addresses the common fear of receiving negative feedback, explaining why not knowing is far more dangerous. He shares strategies for embracing all types of feedback and using it as a catalyst for improvement, turning potential negatives into powerful growth opportunities.

  • The CRM data dilemma: In a shocking revelation, Ron discloses that up to 75% of win-loss data in CRMs can be inaccurate or misleading. He extends this concept to other customer data points, highlighting why direct conversations provide a clearer, more actionable picture of customer needs and experiences.

  • DIY customer research tips: For companies just starting out or working with tight budgets, Ron offers practical advice on conducting your own customer interviews. He covers who should lead the process, how to create a safe environment for candid feedback, and common pitfalls to avoid across different types of customer conversations.

  • The “superpower” of getting people to talk: Ron reveals Thirdside’s unique approach that results in incredibly high response rates, even from lost deals or churned customers. He shares insights into how they’ve honed this skill and why it’s crucial for gathering comprehensive, unbiased feedback.

  • M&A due diligence insights: In a fascinating segment, Ron & panelists discusses the value of conducting your own customer due diligence before entering an M&A process. They explain how this proactive approach can uncover hidden risks and opportunities, providing you with a clear picture of your company’s standing before potential acquirers start their investigations.

  • Churn prevention through conversation: Ron delves into how regular, meaningful customer conversations can help identify at-risk accounts long before they churn. He provides strategies for using these insights to improve retention and turn potential churners into loyal advocates.

  • Shaping product strategy: The podcast explores how customer conversations can inform product development, helping companies prioritize features that truly matter to their market. Ron shares examples of how this approach has helped clients avoid costly missteps and develop products that resonate deeply with their target audience.

Whether you’re struggling with a bloated pipeline, experiencing high customer churn, planning for an exit, or simply looking to gain a competitive edge, this podcast offers actionable strategies to improve your understanding of customer needs and refine your entire business approach.

By the end of the episode, you’ll have a clear understanding of why ongoing customer conversations are not just a nice-to-have, but a must-have tool in today’s competitive business landscape. You’ll be equipped with the knowledge to start implementing these practices in your own organization, potentially uncovering millions in hidden revenue opportunities and preventing costly mistakes.

Listen now to learn how you can uncover the blindspots costing you millions and transform your business with the power of customer insights. Don’t let another quarter go by without truly understanding your market – it’s time to just ask!

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