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5 Revenue-Boosting Insights from Real B2B Sales Research

5 Revenue-Boosting Insights from Real B2B Sales Research

Is your win rate suffering, but you can’t pinpoint why? The answer lies in professional win-loss research. Our ebook, “Are Blindspots Hurting Your Sales?” reveals hidden reasons for customer purchases that your CRM will not show.

Leveraging in-depth interviews and qualitative research, we expose five critical blindspots that are costing B2B companies millions:

  1. The True Cost of Price: Why “too expensive” in your loss reasons often masks a deeper issue
  2. The Solution Implementation Gap: When product demos fall short of addressing real-world integration
  3. The Discount Danger: How aggressive pricing strategies can backfire in complex sales cycles
  4. The Relationship Balance: Navigating customer engagement in the modern buying process
  5. The Persona Mismatch: Ensuring your value proposition reaches the right decision-makers

Each customer case study brings blindspots to life, featuring:

    • Initial perceptions from sales teams
    • Surprising truths uncovered through in-depth interviews
    • Quantified revenue impact of each blindspot


Key Takeaways:

    • Why most CRM data is wrong and can often misleads strategy
    • How to extract actionable insights from both wins and losses
    • Techniques to improve your win rate by addressing hidden sales obstacles through win-loss interviews

This ebook is just the tip of the iceberg for using win-loss analysis to:

    • Identify critical gaps in your sales process
    • Understand the true drivers of buyer decisions
    • Transform loss insights into winning sales strategies

Ready to boost your win rate and close more deals? Download “Are Blindspots Killing Your Revenue?” now and harness the power of professional win-loss research.

Bonus: Learn best practices for implementing an effective win-loss program in your organization.

Don’t let another quarter go by without understanding your true win-loss reasons. Download your copy now and start turning losses into wins!